Understanding and Combating Roaches roachesASAP HoustonJune 20, 2018American Cockroach, Brown-banded Cockroach, German cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, roaches, Smokey Brown Cockroach
Top 7 Ant Species We See in Southeast Texas pest controlKatharine FraserMay 29, 2018ants, carpenter ants, crazy ants, fire ants, ghost ants, odorous ants, Pharaoh ants, rover ants
Houston Termites: the Who, What, Where and How of Their Living Conditions termitesASAP HoustonMay 14, 2018drywood, Eastern subterranean, Formosan, Southwestern drywood, termites
Have you ever heard of a Hummingbird MOTH? Big BugsASAP HoustonApril 27, 2018ladybugs, moths, silverfish, wasps
10 Fascinating Facts About Lady Bugs Big BugsASAP HoustonApril 6, 2018ladybugs, moths, silverfish, wasps
Killer Bee Attack Big Bugs, Health & SafetyASAP HoustonApril 2, 2018ladybugs, moths, silverfish, wasps
Why Do We Love Bugs? Because They Are Fascinating Creatures Big BugsASAP HoustonMarch 26, 2018ladybugs, moths, silverfish, wasps
Cue Up the Critters: ASAP Pest Control (Weekly Roundup 33) Cute-CrittersASAP HoustonFebruary 25, 2018
Cue Up the Critters: ASAP Pest Control (Weekly Roundup 32) Cute-CrittersASAP HoustonFebruary 21, 2018
Cue Up the Critters: ASAP Pest Control (Weekly Roundup 31) Cute-CrittersASAP HoustonFebruary 14, 2018